
On Tuesday, February 22, the Japan Spain Business Circle (CEJE) organized, with a group of its partner companies in the agri-food sector, a Roundtable at the Círculo Euestre de Barcelona. The participants were Mr. Vidal, Japan Project Manager of Costa Brava, Ms. Sanvicente, Deputy Manager at Pere Ventura, Mr. Raventós, president of Raventós i Blanc and Mr. Rius, CEO of Cacao Sampaka. The event was also attended, as a special guest, by Mr. Pradas, territorial director of commerce and ICEX of Catalonia.

The objectives of the meeting were to know the export activity of companies in Japan, to comment on the main difficulties they encounter, and to explore possible actions to enhance their development.

After the presentation of each company by its representative, the event continued with an exciting discussion about the presence of Spanish companies in Japan and how the image of Spain can be enhanced to promote this positioning. The guests also had the opportunity to contrast their more specific situations with Mr. Pradas as a representative of ICEX.

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