Meliá launches to grow in Asia and the Balkans

It is a turning point for Meliá Hotels International. The leading Spanish hotel company is preparing to take a business leap forward after the shock of the pandemic. 2023 is a year that, according to its president and CEO, Gabriel Escarrer, could end up being a record year. The current trend is going well, with Spain beating the record number of visitors.

In terms of business figures, the company has already accumulated a consecutive year of constant growth and the short and medium-term outlook is optimistic. The key to the positive data lies in the increase in rates, which customers are paying without any problem. Specifically, for this summer, bookings on the company’s books for Meliá’s vacation hotels are 30% above average with respect to prices for the same period in 2019, the benchmark year for the sector. All this, in addition, improving occupancy by 5%. In other words, customers are traveling more and are willing to pay higher rates.

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